Sustainability Feature Stories

Central Market

Revitalise as a ‘Playground for All’ offering culture, leisure and entertainment experiences

Chinachem Group (the “Group”) has jointly managed and operated with the Urban Renewal Authority (“URA”) to reimagine a Grade 3 historic building, Central Market, as a vibrant, bustling place to foster social cohesion and inclusion, sustain cultural legacy, and fuel innovation for future generations. The revitalised Central Market supports telling the story of Hong Kong to the world while also unleashing opportunities to support local businesses, encourage visitor arrivals and create a welcoming space for the community, fitting with the Group’s Triple Bottom Line, a commitment that benefits People, brings Prosperity to the community, and preserves the Planet (“3Ps”).


Central Market was redesigned as a community hotspot that echoes the three key themes, namely “Approachable”, “Energetic”, and “Gregarious”, making it a “Playground for All” with commercial, cultural and community uses where people of all ages can dine, shop and work with a curated heritage experience.

The revitalised Central Market also propels high-potential start-ups through a pilot-to-mass adoption process to nurture innovations that support its sustainable growth. The second floor showcases different small and medium enterprises and start-ups to continue this historical tradition of Central Market as a place where people’s livelihoods and the economy can blossom.

Playground for All



Provide quality space for public enjoyment, and to promote Central Market as a community meeting place.
  • 12 million visitors since opening
  • 700+ plants
  • 1,000+ m2 of green open space
  • Spacious and inclusive pet-friendly space

The interior space is divided into zones by placement of 700 plants, turning Central Market into a “Green Urban Oasis”, where people can meet up, mingle and socialise.

Interactive technology and animated elements have been used to portray the Hong Kong Story and history of Central Market.



Host diversified community activities, infusing vibrancy into Central Market.
  • Connect the community with sustainability-focused events
  • 180+ guided tours organised
  • 680+ events hosted
  • 2,500+ m2 of functional event space

“Edutainment” elements have been added to diversified activities for the public to participate in.

The open-plan design facilitates the organisation of cultural and leisure activities, exhibitions and public events.



Offer affordable and diversified facilities in catering, retail and culture, meeting the needs of people from all walks of life.
  • 10 start-ups from “CCG Accel – Powered by HKSTP” to pilot run new technology
  • 100+ leasable units for retail and F&B

The "Plug to Operate" model provides local brands and start-ups with instant infrastructure, allowing them to test out concepts on short-term leases, with minimised risk and overhead. Additionally, the Group has established a tenant academy to guide new and inexperienced business owners on how to operate a company.

Ten start-ups were shortlisted to try out their Property Technology (PropTech) solutions in Central Market to enhance the shopping experience, the building’s sustainability performance, and the efficiency of its operations and management.

MiC Project

1st Private Residential Project in Hong Kong to Leverage Innovative Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) Technique

The Group has steadfastly made Hong Kong a more liveable city by championing and adopting PropTech solutions.Tonkin Street Redevelopment Project, a joint residential development in West Kowloon with the URA – is the first private residential project in Hong Kong adopting the concrete Modular Integrated Construction (“MiC”) technique. This is an innovative construction method in which modules are manufactured and assembled in a factory and installed on-site.


The MiC technique brings tangible environmental benefits over conventional methods, including a 30% increase in construction speed, a 70% reduction in on-site labour, a 75% reduction in construction noise, and a 68% reduction in construction waste. The MiC technique also significantly improves the productivity, safety and sustainability performance of the construction site.

The Tonkin Street Redevelopment Project has attained the Grand Award in the “New Buildings Category: Projects Under Construction and/or Design - Residential” of the Green Building Awards 2021, which recognises its contributions to providing a greener environment and a healthier community.


construction speed


on-site labour


construction noise


construction waste

SBTs Validation

2nd Real Estate Developer in Hong Kong to Complete the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) Decarbonisation Targets Validation

With the urgency of combating climate change, the Group proactively responds to protect our environment. In January 2022, the Group received validation from the Science Based Targets Initiative (“SBTi”) that the Group’s carbon reduction targets fulfil the conditions for limiting global warming to 1.5°C. SBTi is the globally most recognised organisation for evaluating and approving scientifically based reduction goals pledged by businesses without considering any CO2-compensating climate projects.


The Group is the second real estate developer in Hong Kong to complete this validation. The Group has made a bold commitment to lowering its operational carbon intensity under Scope 1 and 2 by 51.8% and its Scope 3 carbon intensity from capital goods, downstream leased assets and waste generated in operations by 20% by 2030 from a 2020 base year.

Carbon Emissions Intensity (tCO2e/m2)

2030 Target


2021 Target2


2021 Progress2 3


2 Compared to a 2020 base year
3 Circumstances outside of our control have created the need to optimise certain actions’ priorities and timelines.

Nina Park

Innovation and Sustainability Meet the Most Ancient of Relics

Nina Park is another “placemaking” project of the Group that embodies the concept of “Playground for All” to create a public area that people of all ages can access for free. During the Reporting Period, Nina Park was closed for renovation and is expected to re-open to the public in fall 2023.


The renovated Nina Park will be the first museum-grade fossil garden in Hong Kong, also the largest wood fossils garden in Asia. Through extensive “edutainment” elements, visitors would have the opportunity to learn about petrified wood formation while understanding the fragility of the environment and the importance of its protection. Interactive multimedia content would guide visitors to browse arrays of petrified wood fossils. Fun-filled educational activities would be organised in a two-storey Experience Centre, such as docent tours, workshops, and science demonstrations, which are suitable for each family member to participate in.

Considering the surrounding landscape and climatic conditions, the design layout of Nina Park has incorporated award-winning technological and sustainable solutions, including a Harvest Rainwater Play Area, and a smart bench. A wind-catching design was adopted in the Experience Centre to optimise the application of natural lighting and ventilation to reduce heat gain, and thus the energy demand of the building.

With a remarkable petrified wood collection, innovative technology and inspiring educational activities, Nina Park would be another example to show how we put 3Ps into action that connects People, brings Prosperity to our neighbourhood, and protects our Planet.

  • 1st museum-grade fossil garden in Hong Kong

  • 2nd “Playground for All” with extensive “edutainment” elements

Lai Chi Wo Story Room

Preserve a 300-year-old Hakka Village Culture

Hong Kong is our base of operation, and we proactively support the preservation of our cultural heritage. The Group recognises that many aspects of rural village culture in Hong Kong face an uncertain future. If we do not act immediately to conserve our culture, many will be vanished within this generation.


The Group funded the Lai Chi Wo Story Room and collaborated with the Government’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, the Lions Nature Education Foundation and Lai Chi Wo Pui Shing Tong to conserve the traditions of seven Hakka villages in the Northeast New Territories, also known as the “Hing Chun Alliance,” giving young people a chance to learn more about Hakka culture.

Through multimedia displays and installations, the story room unveils the authentic rendition of Hakka village life, including wedding rituals, traditional medicine, and Hakka folk songs. With these coordinated endeavours, innovation and creativity, we are committed to enhancing the awareness of Hakka villages’ unique social and cultural makeup while generating positive social and economic outcomes for the area.

  • 7 villages of the Hing Chun Alliance

  • UNESCO-recognised cultural heritage

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science based targets
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